Het Twitter-account ‘OC Antifa’ verklaarde zondag dat het account in feite werd beheerd door nationalisten, die sinds 2017 in de linkse kringen zijn geïnfiltreerd. Extreem linksen raakten in paniek en Twitter heeft het account gesloten.

De Amerikaanse Sociaal-Democratische Partij (DSA) waarschuwt extreem-links op Twitter nadat een infiltratie-account is onthuld. Het was het account ‘OC Antifa’ dat op zondag onthulde dat het account in feite tot nationalisten behoorde, die sinds 2017 in de linkse kringen op Twitter zijn geïnfiltreerd.

Luister Antifa ‘kameraden’: vandaag eindigt een bijna drie jaar durende operatie. Onze infiltratie van uw beweging is geslaagd en het gezicht en de identiteit van iedereen die heeft deelgenomen aan marxisme en zijn opruiende activiteiten of heeft gefinancierd is geregistreerd”, schrijft OC Antifa en gaat verder:

De ontelbare patriotten wiens leven je hebt verwoest, en wiens families je hebt geterroriseerd, zullen eindelijk hun wraak krijgen. Het Amerikaanse volk zal jullie rode terreur en ondermijning van alles wat ons dierbaar is niet langer tolereren.

Bovendien zeggen de eigenaren van het account dat ze zowel lokale politici als academici hebben geïdentificeerd die sympathiseren met Antifa. Tenslotte schrijven ze “Geniet van de gevangenis!”

Extreem-linkse activisten op Twitter hebben elkaar aangespoord om het account te laten blokkeren en te rapporteren, dat sindsdien door Twitter is afgesloten. Het account, dat op deze manier informatie heeft verzameld over de binnenkort als terroristische organisatie geclassificeerde Antifa, was blijkbaar in strijd met de regels van Twitter.

  Minder dan de helft van het Amerikaanse volk gelooft dat Biden heeft gewonnen

VS: Het zaad van de Antifa komt op, zelden was een burgeroorlog zo dichtbij

Vorig artikelAuto ploegt door Amerikaanse politie en verwondt ernstig twee agenten
Volgend artikelOpnieuw Amerikaanse agenten overhoop gereden op straat
Mijn lichaam is geen eigendom van de staat. Ik heb de uitsluitende en exclusieve autonomie over mijn lichaam en geen enkele politicus, ambtenaar of arts heeft het wettelijke of morele recht om mij te dwingen een niet-gelicentieerd, experimenteel vaccin of enige andere medische behandeling of procedure te ondergaan zonder mijn specifieke en geïnformeerde toestemming. De beslissing is aan mij en aan mij alleen en ik zal mij niet onderwerpen aan chantage door de overheid of emotionele manipulatie door de media, zogenaamde celebrity influencers of politici.


  1. Voor het linkse gajes is álles geoorloofd, als de maatschappij maar wordt vernietigd. Dat speelt niet alleen in Amerika.

  2. 04/06/2020 – The Threat from Antifa – securefreedom

    ‘Antifa is a foreign imported insurgency devoted to overthrowing the United States Constitution, three Center panelists conclude.

    Its organized violence today is along the same formula as insurgent violence has always been, with the only difference being the lack of a physical command-and-control structure.

    That’s the consensus of three experts who look at Antifa from different points of view: A counterterrorism analyst, a former member of Antifa, and a former recruit of 1970s radicals who shared thoughts at the Center’s June 4 webinar.

    Kyle Shideler, the Center’s Director for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism noted how the Antifa demonstrated both an ideological and organizational continuity with previous leftist militant groups such as Weather Underground and The May 19th Communist Organization, to undermine and overthrow the United States. “The Real History of Antifa” is Shideler’s latest article in The American Mind.

    Parallels with 1970s extremism

    Former Antifa militant Gabriel Nadales, a Los Angeles activist, described how extremists recruited him to the cause of fighting “fascism” in America under the guise of combating racism. He soon learned that Antifa is a totalitarian movement that permits no real dissent, uses racism as a cynical recruitment tool to build a violent movement to overthrow the American way of life by calling everything “fascist.”

    The third participant, the Center’s Director for Strategy J. Michael Waller, described how, as a high school student in the 1970s, communist extremists exploited his concerns for the environment by recruiting and training him to destroy property and fight police and the National Guard. When his recruiters later ridiculed him for being a real environmentalist, they said that their real goal was to overthrow “American capitalism,” at which point the teenage Waller quit and devoted his life to fighting left-wing movements.

    One of the biggest takeways from the webinar is that all three guests came to the same conclusions in different times and places. Shideler’s scholarly research of Antifa’s roots as a German Communist movement from the 1930s that attacked all German institutions in the name of fighting fascism did, in the end, intimidate and terrorize mainstream political parties and enable Hitler to take power in the name of bringing order back to the country.

    Radicalized teachers are an important recruitment tool

    Nadales described how teachers and professors recruited idealistic students like himself in the 2010s to buy their own black uniforms, masks, and protest gear to fight in the streets and destroy property in the struggle against nonexistent “fascism.”

    Waller said his own experiences as a 1970s anti-nuclear activist in New England – with a teacher acting as the recruiter – were similar to Nadales’ southern California experiences with Antifa nearly 40 years later. Both quit the movements soon after joining them once they realized that they had been duped into joining a force hostile to the country.

    Nadales now works for the Leadership Institute, founded by Morton Blackwell, a veteran conservative organizer and aide to president Ronald Reagan, to promote conservative ideas and political candidates.

    Antifa seeks to overthrow the United States Constitution

    All three participants agreed that movement organizers, then as now, are ideologically hostile to the American Constitution, with many embracing forms of socialism, including Marxism-Leninism, as well as anarchy, to overthrow our way of life.

    They also agreed that Antifa is a foreign import, with foreign organization and ideological inspiration, and should therefore be declared a foreign terrorist organization. Shideler cited a new Center for Security Policy Decision Brief calling for the federal government to declare Antifa as a foreign terrorist organization because of the unusual advantages it gives the US and its allies to combat the network.

    Waller pointed out that the daughter of notorious 1970s German terrorist Ulrike Meinhof considers Antifa to be the successor movement to her mother’s Baader-Meinhof Gang, later known as the Red Army Faction.’



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