In een open brief stelt de Koninklijke Nederlandse Organisatie van Verloskundigen (KNOV) vragen over het verband tussen moederlijke COVID-vaccinatie en passende zorg.

Het COVID-19 vaccinatieprogramma bevat nu het advies om alle zwangere vrouwen rond de 22e week van de zwangerschap tegen COVID-19 te vaccineren. Dit betekent dat ze het hele jaar door in aanmerking komen, niet alleen tijdens het “griepseizoen,” bericht Uncutnews.

En dit ondanks het feit dat er geen overtuigende wetenschappelijke basis is voor de effectiviteit en veiligheid van vaccinaties voor zwangere vrouwen en hun (ongeboren) kinderen, vooral niet op de lange termijn, merkt de beroepsvereniging van ongeveer 4.000 gediplomeerde verloskundigen of studenten verloskunde op.

“Navraag bij omringende landen, waaronder Duitsland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, leert ons dat COVID-vaccinatie van moeders niet over de hele linie wordt uitgevoerd.”

De organisatie wijst er ook op dat “we slechts matig wetenschappelijk bewijs hebben van de individuele en maatschappelijke voordelen van vaccinatie van moeders.” “Ook hier zijn onze buurlanden voorzichtiger,” aldus de organisatie.

“Bovendien is er onvoldoende bekend over de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van drie vaccinaties (kinkhoest (DKT), influenza en COVID-19) tegelijkertijd of snel na elkaar tijdens de zwangerschap. Voor zover wij weten is er geen evaluatie van de effecten van de Nederlandse programma’s gepland. Dit betekent dat een beoordeling van de mogelijke gezondheidsvoordelen nog niet mogelijk is.”

Het artsencollectief, waar bijna 3.000 artsen deel van uitmaken, steunt de KNOV in haar kritiek op de toename van zwangerschapsvaccinaties in het algemeen en coronavaccinaties in het bijzonder.

“Dit nieuws van 4000 verloskundigen is een bom,” zegt fractievoorzitter van FVD in de gemeente Land van Cuijk Marianne Akkermans. “Dit zou het nieuws van de dag moeten zijn. Ingelaste persconferenties, opening van het journaal, opening van alle kranten en media op de voorpagina.”

  Analyse uitgelekt DARPA document bevestigt aanval op de mensheid met behulp van aërosolvormige, huidpenetrerende nanodeeltje spike-eiwitten

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VS: Zwangerschapsproblemen en moedersterfte exploderen

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Vorig artikelPoetin veroordeelt de Israëlische genocide in Gaza: “Onschuldige mensen worden zonder onderscheid gedood”
Volgend artikelIsraël heeft het moeilijk en lijdt verliezen, zowel te land als ter zee
Mijn lichaam is geen eigendom van de staat. Ik heb de uitsluitende en exclusieve autonomie over mijn lichaam en geen enkele politicus, ambtenaar of arts heeft het wettelijke of morele recht om mij te dwingen een niet-gelicentieerd, experimenteel vaccin of enige andere medische behandeling of procedure te ondergaan zonder mijn specifieke en geïnformeerde toestemming. De beslissing is aan mij en aan mij alleen en ik zal mij niet onderwerpen aan chantage door de overheid of emotionele manipulatie door de media, zogenaamde celebrity influencers of politici.


  1. We are in the age of knowing yourself for better understanding yourself.

    Earth And Humanity Continue Into “The World Of High Vibrations”.

    The Earth is changing its frequency, and so are we!
    The Schumann Resonance, the natural vibration of the planet, has been rising to unprecedented levels, signalling a major transformation in our consciousness and potential.
    This is an exciting time to be alive, as we can tap into the higher energies of love, joy, and creativity that are available to us. We can also help others to awaken and evolve, by sharing our light and wisdom with the world.

    Let’s embrace this amazing opportunity to create a new reality of harmony and peace for ourselves and the planet!

    In the Age of Aquarius is something much closer to direct democracy: this would be different from the way in which our country was envisioned, in that we would no longer elect politicians as mouthpieces who more or less accurately “represent” our views.

    Why? Politics = karma, and the emptiness of winning.

    Age of Aquarius. The Age when everything becomes unified!
    “In the New Age we break free of centuries of false doctrines. destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love”.
    The dream humanity has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new day, a bright new way.

    Unresolved Earth.
    Commanding “The Divine”. This provocative exploration examines the concept of CHITTA, an ancient knowledge believed to have the extraordinary potential to control or influence divine beings.

    Trust and love yourself.
    This way you can share your love from abundance!
    Understanding the Earth School and Karma With Hans Wilhelm.
    In this conversation, we dive deep into the big question that occupies many of our minds.
    Why are we here?
    How do we make the most of this experience?

    What is the most powerful Mars sign ranked?

    Where is Mars in your horoscope?

    This planet is responsible for conflicts!

    We all experience various feelings every day and anger is one such feeling that we face daily. Most often, we cannot express our feelings willingly. Some zodiac signs express their emotions very harshly, and some, to some extent, control their anger. Each zodiac sign has its way of expressing this complex and fickle emotion.
    Features of the position of Mars in Aries
    People with Mars in Aries are very enthusiastic and prone to irritation. They calm down quickly though. The best part of the zodiac sign is that they never hold a grudge against anyone. It is believed that Aries make judgments quickly and, if wished, can easily cope with their bitterness – the difficulty is that they do not wish to do this.
    They easily forgive and forget hurtful words, but never realize that their own harsh words can cause discord in their relationship. People with Mars in Aries have powerful intuition and diligently seek ways to achieve their goals. They are always ready to face any challenge.
    Features of the position of Mars in Taurus
    People with Mars in Taurus are the exact opposite of the Aries personality. Taurus perceives everything dispassionately, but at heart, they are very aggressive. They hate arguments and confrontations and will only show their aggressive nature as a last resort if they break through. In general, Taurus people are cool and calm by nature and are not easily angered. However, they express their emotions more subtly. Mars in Taurus tends to chase after possessions. Taurus people work hard to achieve their desired goals.
Taurus people are very intelligent. They are not easily provoked. But once they start getting angry, they can’t be stopped.
    Features of the position of Mars in Gemini
    If your Mars is placed in this sign, then you must tend to lose concentration. People with Mars in Gemini are restless and easily bored with idleness. The sign of Gemini is called a source of energy. Geminis are not easily angered, but when they are angry, they cannot hide their emotions. They use hurtful words to express their emotions.
Don’t be upset if they get angry. Geminis quickly move away, their mood changes quickly, and they are talkative by nature, especially if they are fascinated by new and exciting events. Geminis excels at communication and loves to argue.
    Features of the position of Mars in Cancer
    Mars in Cancer is both somewhat passive and aggressive. Cancers want balance in their lives but without any changes. They also don’t like problems and arguments. They defend themselves very well. Most often, they seem very complex and skillfully hide their feelings: the more Cancer smiles politely at their enemies, the more they hate inside.
Often Cancers use guilt, manipulation, or personal diplomacy to get what they want. Sometimes they act harshly and become defensive only if they feel that they are trapped.
    Features of the position of Mars in Leo
    Leos are very ambitious and always try to act unexpectedly. People with Mars in Leo are very passionate, they have a strong desire to achieve their goals without fail. Leo with Mars loves to take risks. Leos are one of the fiercest signs and have brighter personalities than Aries.
They do not hide their emotions. They become loud, short-tempered, and throw tantrums from time to time. Most often, people around him are greatly offended by Leo’s behavior, but, fortunately, Leo’s anger quickly subsides as soon as he sees that no one is accusing him of anything or arguing with him.
    Features of the position of Mars in Virgo
    Mars in Virgo is not very hostile. Although Virgos are critical, they are persistent by nature. They do not show their dissatisfaction easily. But if Virgos are angry, then be prepared to face their hot-tempered actions.
At times they become overly sensitive and prone to worry. In addition, at times they show stubbornness, doing everything according to their desire or choice, without consulting anyone. The best thing about Virgos is that they are very energetic and have fortitude.
    Features of the position of Mars in Libra
    People with Mars in Libra are quite wise and avoid confrontations. They hate controversy. They are generally peaceful by nature and do not show their anger easily. If they are angry with someone, then, in most cases, they avoid talking to him. You may get the impression that Libra is indecisive, but only as long as it does not affect their interests. When angry, Libra is ruthless and vindictive.
    Features of the position of Mars in Scorpio
    People born with Mars in Scorpio are very ambitious and actively move forward until they achieve success and their goals. They are very focused and determined and can do anything to succeed. Scorpios are cruel by nature and do not express their emotions, especially anger.
They can become your rivals and your worst enemies if you hurt them. You never know at what time they will begin to take revenge. Scorpios avoid people who hurt them.

    Features of the position of Mars in Sagittarius
    Sagittarians are known for their sarcasm. In addition, Sagittarians have a quick temper. Their anger can be easily provoked. Therefore, they wisely try to avoid collisions. They try to escape because they are mobile and impatient by nature.
But if someone betrays their trust, they can cause significant damage. Unlike other zodiac signs, Sagittarius can simply use Jesuitical methods of revenge. It takes them considerable time to cope with their anger.
    Features of the position of Mars in Capricorn
    Capricorns have excellent control over their feelings. They control their emotions too well. They usually control themselves when you hurt them and hide their antagonism and irritation for a long time. Capricorns don’t give up easily. Mars in Capricorn is capable of inflicting the most crushing and carefully planned defeat on the enemy.
They need enough time to come to their senses. People born with Mars in Capricorn are completely dedicated to their goals. Their self-control and strength will help them control their anger.
    Features of the position of Mars in Aquarius
    People born with Mars in Aquarius are quite expressive and cannot hide their irritation. They avoid confrontation and simply shut down and stop communicating if they are angry with you. Aquarians hate being pressured by others. This can make them angry as they need a lot of space.
They are very sensitive by nature and love surprises and fun. However, they are independent and have great respect for the independence of other people.
    Features of the position of Mars in Pisces
    People born with Mars in Pisces are naturally gentle, emotional, and self-confident. They tend to blame themselves if anything goes wrong or against them in life. Too much frustration and anger cause them to release their anger or they may hold grudges against others. Most often, Pisces cannot express their anger. They may end up feeling guilty and depressed. By their nature, they know how to forgive and forget various offensive things.

      • Precies. Alles in het engels, en ook lange lappen tekst, sla ik over. Want er ís al zoveel te lezen..ben er elke dag minstens 2 uur voor kwijt.

        • copy en paste in googletranslate, makkie toch? en bovenaan rechts in de hoek kan je de taal veranderen. De commentaren worden ook vertaald.
          En wat vaccineren van zwangere vrouwen aangaat – elke dokter die hun inspuit, zou zijn vergunning moeten verliezen. 50 jaar geleden in school leerden we dat zwangere en zogende vrouwen niets van medicamenten mogen nemen – zeker geen vaccinaties. Want dat zijn de minst gecontroleerde medicamenten van allemaal. Gekheid wat ze aan het doen zijn, ik vraag me af waar die dokters naar school gingen

    • 1 Op de 5 Nederlands kunnen geheel geen Engels.
      Ik ben niet vies van veel lezen maar wel als het in het Engels is.
      Ik hoop voor je dat er nog wel mensen dit geheel lezen zodat je dit niet voor niks geplaatst hebt.

  2. Opmerkelijke beslissing. Na alle bijwerkingen. Maar kan het zijn dat mensen toch liever willen dat er steeds minder mensen ontstaan? Een soort van collectief verlangen naar veel minder mensen om je heen, veel minder mensen op straat en in de winkel, etc? Collectief, maar onbewust. Zou dat er achter zitten?

    • Nee, denk het niet -als ik naar een willekeurige winkelstraat kijk in een grote stad op zaterdagmiddag, of naar grote sportevenementen of muziekoptredens. De grote massa zoekt steun en bevestiging bij die massa (kudde). Een minderheid verlangt naar rust en vrede en het kunnen kiezen van het eigen levenspad, en verlangt niet perse naar minder mensen op aard. Van oudsher zijn we eigenlijk tribaal, dus groepen tot 150 mensen. De massaliteit van alles leidt tot vervreemding en ontheemding, mijns insziens.

  3. 2019 was ascension from 1940-1945. Karmic Relationship Astrology Indicators: 8 Steps to Figure Out Past Life Astrology Synastry

    Haley Comet Astrology
    In this past life astrology synastry reading, we take a deep dive into the 8 easy ways to figure out how heavy of a karmic toll your connection carries, based on the intersection of your charts! These are eight easy steps to figure out how KARMIC your connection is and clues that signal a karmic contract within astrology. However…while karmic relationships can be alluring and accelerate much of our soul’s growth, it is certainly not easy!

    You can check out my FAVORITE synastry aspects in connections below.

    What is an energetic blockage?

    Simply put, a blockage is a disruption in the energy flow in your body. A blockage is caused by an unprocessed emotional event or fear. The moment something happens that you don’t like, a blocked cell is created in your body.

    Believe in yourself and let go of your fears.

    One of the most important elements in Muladhara chakra healing is learning to trust and love yourself. Believe that you are important and valuable in this world and that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Trust your abilities and your strength.
    A spontaneous Kundalini activation.

    Kundalini energy is also known as life energy. Sometimes as ‘chi’ or ‘prana’. And for most people, this energy remains dormant for a lifetime without being fully activated…………If you work on balancing the Root Chakra you will notice that you gain a sense of optimism and (self) confidence and that you become stronger every day.

    As we mentioned before, the first chakra is the foundation on which the other chakras are built. Work on a strong foundation and enjoy the effects in your overall well-being.
    But most importantly, appreciate every step in your spiritual awakening journey.

    Reminder ~ 💯 You are not an old book is copy-behaviour.

    As long as the egoic mind is running your life, you cannot truly be at ease; you cannot be at peace or fulfilled except for brief intervals when you obtained what you wanted, when a craving has just been fulfilled. Since the ego is a derived sense of self, it needs to identify with external things……your not your iPhone. It needs to be both defended and fed constantly. The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, personal and family history, belief systems, and often also political, nationalistic, racial, and other collective identifications.

    None of these is you.

    All of these things you will have to relinquish sooner or later. You WILL know the truth of it for yourself is being yourself first without a ego, is to become real love.
    – Eckhart Tolle

  4. …eindelijk, maar veel te laat, want de schaapjes zijn helaas brave gedresseerde kuddedieren gebleken die achter de grootste leugens aan dwalen!

    En dat noemen ze dan zelf “wetenschap”… werden ze heel blij van en gingen spontaan dansjes instuderen!

    Iemand nog een portie ongevaxt zaad nodig..??


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