De documentaire is lang en onbehaaglijk – twee uur en 55 minuten – en YouTube wil niet eens de trailer laten zien, ook al was het niet ‘expliciet’. Ik heb hem nog niet gezien, en ik weet niet of ik haar wel ga zien, maar ik durf de aanbeveling van Robert Spencer verder op te volgen. Misschien moet ik maar een dag vrij nemen. De complete film is hier met waarschuwingen en al te zien.

The anonymous filmmaker says that Art Of Imposture is “eye-opening, [there’s] nothing quite like this film at the moment, a definite must-watch. Footage like this has never been released before in a non-fiction film; these are not actors. It is a documentary so shocking regardless of your politics that it cannot fail to move your sense of humanity.

Pulling no punches, this is not for the faint of heart; it is very real. It commands attention as an object lesson in the banality of evil and provides an incredible insight into the mindset of Islam. It is a frequently difficult film to watch, but it remains an essential historical document.

If you put this stuff into a drama, you wouldn’t believe it

Some of Art Of Imposture, although all gore is extensively blurred, involves haunting footage. It covers boys casting lots and children learning the Qur’an in a Sharia institute, goofing around, drinking coffee; yet only minutes later, in real time, getting into a vehicle, driving to a target and blowing themselves up. Describing Art Of Imposture as a “study of evil,” the filmmaker admitted that some of the images made for uncomfortable viewing, although “The visuals are stunning and the narrative compelling. If you put this stuff into a drama, you wouldn’t believe it. You’d say that it’s not plausible, that it doesn’t make sense — unless you read their religious book. It is disturbing, terrifying, enlightening, captivating, frightening and horrific.” Art Of Imposture is a brave and unrivalled film.

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YouTube bans channel for sharing trailer to movie that is critical of Islam

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Mijn lichaam is geen eigendom van de staat. Ik heb de uitsluitende en exclusieve autonomie over mijn lichaam en geen enkele politicus, ambtenaar of arts heeft het wettelijke of morele recht om mij te dwingen een niet-gelicentieerd, experimenteel vaccin of enige andere medische behandeling of procedure te ondergaan zonder mijn specifieke en geïnformeerde toestemming. De beslissing is aan mij en aan mij alleen en ik zal mij niet onderwerpen aan chantage door de overheid of emotionele manipulatie door de media, zogenaamde celebrity influencers of politici.


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