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Niemand weet hoeveel mensen de vaccins doden – of hoeveel er zullen sterven.
Maar hoewel ik de mainstream media de meeste van deze sterfgevallen niet heb zien noemen, zijn er al mensen overleden of gewond geraakt nadat zij het vaccin hadden gekregen:
Schokkend – De laatste covid prik doden en gewonden van VAERS (baby’s, tieners en jonge volwassenen sterven na het vaccin)
openvaers.com covid-gegevens (naar schatting wordt slechts 1% van de bijwerkingen van vaccins gemeld)
Opmerking: De volgende alinea is nu toegevoegd aan de gegevens van de Pfizer-analyse in het VK: “Een melding van een vermoedelijke ADR aan het Yellow Card-schema betekent niet noodzakelijk dat deze veroorzaakt is door het vaccin…”. Naar mijn mening is dit weer een poging om de aandacht af te leiden van de zeer reële problemen in verband met de vaccins. Wij merken op dat wanneer patiënten 60 dagen na een positieve covid-test overlijden, zij aan de covid-sterftecijfers worden toegevoegd, maar als iemand 60 minuten na een covid-vaccin zou overlijden, dan is dat gewoon toeval.
PFIZER (gegevens uit het VK) – Enkele van de letsels zijn: beroertes, hartaanvallen, miskramen, Bell’s Palsy, sepsis, verlammingen, psychiatrische stoornissen, blindheid, doofheid, gordelroos, alopecia en covid-19. (Help alstublieft levens te redden en stuur de link voor de gegevensanalyse van Pfizer naar scholen en plaatselijke kranten)
Opmerking: De volgende alinea is nu toegevoegd aan de Britse analyse van de gegevens van AstraZeneca: “Een melding van een vermoedelijke ADR aan het Yellow Card-schema betekent niet noodzakelijk dat deze werd veroorzaakt door het vaccin…”. Naar mijn mening is dit de zoveelste poging om de aandacht af te leiden van de zeer reële problemen in verband met de vaccins. Wij merken op dat wanneer patiënten 60 dagen na een positieve covid-test overlijden, zij aan de covid-sterftecijfers worden toegevoegd, maar als iemand 60 minuten na een covid-vaccin zou overlijden, dan is dat gewoon toeval.
ASTRAZENECA (gegevens uit het VK) – Enkele van de vele letsels zijn: blindheid, beroertes, hartaanvallen, miskramen, sepsis, verlamming, Bell’s Palsy, doofheid, gordelroos, alopecia en covid-19. (Help alstublieft levens te redden en stuur de link voor de AstraZeneca-analysegegevensprint naar scholen en plaatselijke kranten)
Europese database van rapporten over vermoedelijke bijwerkingen van geneesmiddelen: Moderna, Pfizer-Biontech, AstraZeneca en Janssen.
- Derek Sloan MP maakt zich zorgen over covid-19 vaccin censuur van artsen en wetenschappers (video – bitchute)
- Moderna begint met eerste proeven op mensen voor griepprik gebaseerd op nieuwe mRNA-technologie die wordt gebruikt om het covid-19-vaccin van het bedrijf te maken (artikel – Daily Mail)
- Het volgende is de concept-werklijst van de FDA met mogelijke bijwerkingen van het covid-vaccin (zie pagina 16 van het document). Deze werd gepubliceerd in oktober 2020 VOORDAT de uitrol van de jab begon.
Belangrijke opmerking:
Er zijn berichten in de pers geweest dat het AstraZeneca-vaccin bloedstolsels veroorzaakt. Dit is waar, maar dat geldt voor alle experimentele vaccins die zogenaamd worden gegeven om covid-19 te voorkomen. Er zijn veel sterfgevallen geweest, alleen al in het VK meer dan 1000, en een groot aantal bijwerkingen. Het is belangrijk te onthouden dat deze experimentele vaccins die aan gezonde mensen worden gegeven covid-19 niet voorkomen of voorkomen dat het wordt doorgegeven, en dat het risico dat een jonge, gezonde volwassene aan covid-19 sterft uiterst klein is.
- Canadian whistleblowers expose 13 stillborn deaths in 24 hours at Lions Gate Hospital caused by covid-19 vaccines (article – dailyexpose.uk)
- 2,620 dead babies in VAERS after covid shots… (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- A list of people who had their leg amputated after receiving the covid-19 vaccine (article – thecovidworld.com)
- Families of South Korea’s covid vaccine victims mourn loved ones during mass memorial service (article – thecovidworld.com)
- Three footballers collapse in three days – (hugotalks – video on brandnewtube.com)
- Paul Dimattina: Australian football league legend rushed to hospital after sever reaction to Pfizer booster shot (article – the covidworld.com)
- Sithipol Bovornkittipaisal: 26-year-old man dies 1 day after receiving Moderna covid-19 vaccine, investigation launched (article – thecovidworld.com)
- As reports of injuries after covid vaccines near 1 million mark, CDC, FDA clear Pfizer, Moderna boosters for all adults (article – childrenshealthdfense.org)
- 29,034 deaths 2,804,900 injuries following covid shots in European database of adverse reactions – corporate journalists have pericarditis after Pfizer shots (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- How many people in key Pfizer covid vaccine trial died? More than Pfizer told you (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Pfizer secretly adds dangerous ingredient to injection for 5 to 11-year-olds as Taiwan stops Pfizer shots for 12 to 17-year-olds (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- Astroworld cover up? Hugo Talks (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Surge in reports of serious injuries as 5-year-olds start getting shots (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- German news agency compiles list of 75 European athletes who have died “suddenly” in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated.
- Woman left wheelchair-bound with neurological damage hours after Pfizer vaccine dose (article – theexpose.uk)
- US Children’s Hospitals Now Overwhelmed with Infant Cardiac Patients (article – theexpose.uk)
- Worldwide surge of sports people suffering sudden health issues and death (article – notonthebeeb.co.uk)
- mRna shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust says Big Pharma (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids (article – presscalifornia.com)
- Astounding, heartbreaking adverse effects testimony about injections (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Funeral director: “I just see the dead babies in fridges” (video – odysee.com)
- This happened to her daughter Casey after one Pfizer jab (disturbing video – bitchute.com)
- Two kids die from the same school within a week – (video by hugotalks – brandnewtube.com)
- Another teenage boy died after the “vaccine”…(video – bitchute.com)
- Covid world war press conference destroyed – “my friends are dead” (video – bitchute.com)
- Jabbed up rugby player has massive heart attack and stroke in game (video – HugoTalks on brandnewtube.com)
- Fact – deaths due to the covid vaccines in the UK after 6 months are 407% higher than deaths due to all other vaccines combined in the past 11 years (article – theexpose.uk)
- 17,000+ deaths reported after covid vaccines, including new report of 12-year-old who died after Pfizer vaccine (article – childrenshealthdefense.com)
- Scientist whose wife was injured by covid vaccine tells FDA: ‘Please do not give this to kids (article – childrenshealthdefense.com)
- 17-year-old develops multisystem inflammatory syndrome and myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine, report shows (article – childrenshealthdefense.com)
- Murder charges filed after child vax death (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Covid vaccine injury – young healthy man & his partner – now suffer with myocarditis (video – bitchute.com)
- Pharmacy manager of 10 years publicly quits her job…(video – bitchute.com)
- 1600 reports of hair loss following covid-19 shots (article – lifesitenews.com)
- 20-year-old loses her leg after second AstraZeneca jab in Surat Thani (article – nationthailand.com)
- Nurse can’t walk or talk properly after covid booster (video – bitchute.com)
- 40 Plus minutes of one major vaccine injury after another (video – bitchute.com)
- Covid vaccine injury – woman speaks about her heart condition & warns others (video – bitchute.com)
- Millions of vaccine injured people across the world (video – bitchute.com)
- Post covid-19 injections: the dead don’t speak, but those with crippling injuries issue warnings (video – bitchute.com)
- Shocking vaccine admissions from inside the WHO (video – bitchute.com)
- Covid vaccine injuries (telegram channel)
- Vaccine-induced ADE strikes the UK, MSM spins as ‘super cold’ (video – bitchute.com)
- Shocking, urgent news – please share widely (discover the potential danger of mixing a nasal flu vaccine, which is an attenuated live virus, with the covid-19 jab. All parents and grandparents should watch this)
- Covid-19 victims tell their stories
- 13-year-old boy loses eyesight 10 days after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine – mother seeks answers
- 14-year-old boy dies from massive brain bleed hours after receiving his second Pfizer covid-19 vaccine
- Mandated medical worker has both legs, some fingers and one hand amputated after covid injection (video – bitchute.com)
- Funeral director John O’Looney blows the whistle on covid (video – bitchute.com)
- Daughter of man having arm amputated from clots after covid vaccine speaks out (video – bitchute.com)
- Horrific: baby paralyzed by covid vaccine (video – bitchute.com)
- Covid vaccine multiple injuries – only 16-years-old and her life is completely destroyed (video – bitchute.com)
- Doctor’s daughter jab reactions ignored (video – Hugo Talks on brandnewtube.com)
- Government HHS nurse Jodi O’Malley blows whistle on covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths
- Mother screams a warning in agony – her son died 2 days after the covid jab (video – bitchute.com)
- Mother in Canada left to die from vaccine injuries (video – bitchute.com)
- Horrific side effects of getting covid vaccine while pregnant (video)
- Young woman loses little sister to vaccine – banned on social media (short video)
- My best friend killed by the jab – another true horror story of the lethal injection (video)
- Emotional plea “My son received the vaccine and died a few days later” (video)
- FBI agent took the covid vaccine and died within hours (video)
- SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis
- Polio virus to cover up kids jab adverse reactions
- Woman dies of rare brain disease within 3 months of second Pfizer shot, doctor says vaccine could be responsible (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- The vaccine murder of Roy Butler must not be covered up (video – bitchute.com)
- Navy doctor reveals more soldiers have died from the vaccine than died from covid (video – bitchute.com)
- Australians speak out about deaths and adverse reactions soon after receiving covid vaccine (video – bitchute.com)
- Enraged mother says the Pfizer vaccine killed her daughter in 5 hours (video – bitchute.com)
- Footballer, 23, dead from jab MSM cover it up (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Mother of a 17-year-old girl who lost the use of her limbs after having the Pfizer vaccine (video – bitchute.com)
- “Nothing but problems”: double vaxxed man warns unvaxxed – ‘Stand your ground. It’s all a big lie’ (video – bitchute.com)
- Exclusive interview: mum whose 14-year-old son developed myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine no longer trusts CDC, public health officials (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Covid vaccine deaths “In 6 months. Thousands dead. Millions injured” (website – covidvaccinedeaths.org)
- 1000 covid stories – people sharing their adverse reactions from the covid vaccine (website – 1000covidstories.com)
- CDC study on 12- to 17-year-olds who got Pfizer vaccine: 397 reports of heart inflammation, 14 deaths (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Covid-19 vax reactions (website – c19vaxreactions.com)
- Latest CDC VAERS data for 12 to 17-year-olds include 7 deaths, 271 serious adverse events following covid vaccines (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Minnesota woman loses both legs and both hands following second Pfizer covid-19 shot (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- Covid vaccine reactions
- Vaccine damaged woman begs you to reconsider (video – bitchute.com)
- Wayne’s covid vaccine injury story – I didn’t know, nobody told me…& now I have brain damage! (video – bitchute.com)
- Stevie Thrasher, 29 years old from Washington, injured after receiving the Pfizer vaccine (video – Bitchute.com)
- Surgeon who operated on young Italian vaccine victim: ‘You have never seen anything like this’ (article – freewestmedia.com)
- Woman with life-altering injuries after covid vaccine teams up with U.S. senators to demand answers (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Real people who have been suffering after taking the covid-19 injection (video – bitchute.com)
- 13-year-old dies in sleep after receiving Pfizer covid vaccine; CDC investigating (article – newsweek.com)
- Dad: My son’s school made him get a covid vaccine, now he has a heart condition (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- ‘Before the vaccine, my son was a healthy athlete. Now he can barely walk’ (video – bitchute.com)
- Teen who had heart attack after covid vaccine tells Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘I thought it was safe’ (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Preliminary finding of mRNA covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant women (article – pubmed.gov)
- Julie & Ben – Bell’s Palsy and neurological issues covid-19 vaccine reactions (video – bitchute.com)
- Kevin’s story – covid vaccine injuries (video – bitchute.com)
- Hundreds Injured by covid vaccines turn to GoFundMe for help with expenses (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Laura Ingraham – interview with woman who suffered severe brain bleed after Moderna jab (video – bitchute.com)
- Mother regrets putting 12-year-old daughter in Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- 13-year-old Michigan boy dies three days after second dose of Pfizer vaccine, aunt says ‘moral, ethical, health’ questions need answers (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- FDA adds heart inflammation warning to Pfizer, Moderna covid vaccines as some experts call for full approval (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Heart inflammation linked to covid vaccines in study of U.S. military, department of defense confirms (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Mum of three dies after receiving AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine (article – walesonline.co.uk)
- About 13% of pregnant women who were given the covid vaccine suffered miscarriage (video – bitchute.com)
- C19 vax reactions website (real stories of covid vaccine victims)
- Latest CDC VAERS data for 12 to 17-year-olds include 7 deaths, 271 serious adverse events following covid vaccines (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- MHRA data shows a 3016% increase in number of women who’ve lost their unborn child as a result of having the covid vaccine
(article – dailyexpose.co.uk) - Stephanie Wasil, 51, dies of cardiac arrest from the Moderna vaccine (video – bitchute.com)
- Family of Italian woman who died after Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine launches legal action (article – news.sky.com)
- Vietnamese woman dies after receiving AstraZeneca shot (article – Chiang Rai Times)
- Greek woman dies following AstraZeneca vaccine blood clot (article – greekreporter.com)
- Parents speak out after their son died from taking the J&J covid vaccine (video – bitchute)
- ‘Fun loving’ mum 34 dies days after having AstraZeneca vaccine as heartbroken husband pays tribute (article – examinerlive.co.uk)
- Ahmed developed myocarditis after covid vaccine (video – bitchute)
- CDC emergency meeting to discuss reports of myocarditis in young people after covid vaccines (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- USA MSM Talk Toxic Covid vaccines (video – brandnewtube.com)
- 10,570 dead, 405,259 injuries: European database of adverse drug reactions for covid-19 “vaccines” (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- Latest VAERS data show: 5,165 deaths reported following covid vaccines (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Nun prayed for 50 jab deaths “protect the children” (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Politician Marty’s mum died from the vax: Dr said it was like being strangled (video – bitchute.com)
- More Bell’s Palsy after vaccine (video – bitchute.com)
- Mum claims second dose of covid vaccine left her mute (article – metro.co.uk)
- Young woman suffering serious heart problems after Moderna jab (video – bitchute.com)
- Bad reaction to J&J jab lady speaks from hospital bed (video – bitchute.com)
- J&J reaction to jab (video – bitchute.com)
- 42 days of hell after 2nd Pfizer Jab (video – bitchute.com)
- Dr Michael Yeadon: the vaccine is fifty times more likely to cause death in children than covid (video – bitchute.com)
- Yet another teenager hospitalised with heart inflammation after covid vaccine (video – brighteon.com)
- Woman with permanent injuries following Johnson & Johnson experimental vaccine stuck with one million dollars in medical bills (video – bitchute.com)
- Twelve died last week after covid vaccination, four suffered miscarriages (article -www.thestandard.com.hk)
- 7 U.S. Teens Developed Heart Inflammation After Second Pfizer Vaccine, New Study Shows (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Compilation of injuries and deaths after the covid vaccine (video – bitchute.com)
- 920 women have reported the loss of their unborn baby after having the covid vaccine. (article – dailyexpose.co.uk)
- 40+ Doctors Tell UK Drug Regulators: Vaccinating Kids for COVID is ‘Irresponsible, Unethical and Unnecessary‘
- Covid vaccine victims – Telegram
- Brother had to take covid shot for job now in hospital (video – brandnewtube.com)
- More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- BBC Radio Newcastle presenter Lisa Shaw died aged 44 after suffering blood clots following covid AstraZeneca jab, her family reveal (article)
- 18-year-old diagnosed with inflamed heart after second jab (video – brandnewtube.com)
- 18 children in hospital just in Connecticut suffering heart problems after ‘vaccine’ (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Urgent warning – teens experiencing heart problems after jab – Dr Jane Ruby (video – brandnewtube.com)
- 39-year-old model, Malaysian Olympic archer dies days after covid vaccine (article – childrenshealthdefense.org)
- Blood clots from AstraZeneca vaccine – 18-year-old student nurse (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Oregon woman reports blood clot after Johnson & Johnson shot (video – bitchute.com)
- Father/son hospitalized with blood clots after taking the vaccine – another dies after the shot (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Canadian woman dies after the AstraZeneca jab (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Vaccine side effects – news stories compilation (video – bitchute.com)
- French ambulance man and nurses alert massive increase in deaths following the shot (video – bitchute.com)
- MMA fighter who got sick after Pfizer injection speaks out (video – brandnewtube.com)
- Funeral homes deaths: 2020 no increase in deaths, 2021 increase in deaths after “vaccine” roll out (video – bitchute.com)
- Doctors urged to watch out for signs of stroke following covid vaccination (article – Hereford Times)
- Covid-19 injections killing and injuring people across the world (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- Dr Richard P. Bartlett of Texas – says more patients from injection events than covid (video – bitchute.com)
- Eric Clapton feared he would ‘never play again’ after ‘disastrous’ time with vaccine (article – latimes.com)
- NHS GP receptionist: Shocking reality of covid jabs (audio)
- Man had 6ft of intestine removed after blood clot developed from taking the covid jab (video)
- Warning! If you are injured by this injection you are on your own (video)
- A good man down: the fatal reality of vaccine adverse reactions. UK Column reports yet another tragic death following covid-19 vaccination (video)
- ‘Vaccine’ destroys antibodies in plasma (video)
- Covid vaccine testing on animals stopped due to high death rates (video)
- Severe adverse reactions in children who took the covid-19 vaccine (video)
- Bombshell: Connecticut Govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are deadly (video)
- Reaction to Pfizer ‘vaccine’ (video)
- 5-month-old baby among dead after mother breast-fed following second Pfizer shot (video)
- Brazil suspends AstraZeneca use in pregnant women, 23 weeks pregnant mother dies (video)
- Healthy teenager hospitalised with brain blood clots after the 1st Pfizer vaccine (video)
- Paramedic whistleblower: ‘I am watching vaccines killing people’
- Emotional video showing covid vaccine injuries and deaths (video)
- 25 personal testimonies of severe adverse reactions & death from the experimental covid injections (video)
- Australia confirms five new cases of blood clots from the AstraZeneca vaccine in over 50s
- Stamford man vows to battle back after losing his leg weeks after receiving AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccination
- 180 deaths after covid-19 jabs till March 31, 75% within 3 days
- “Never has a vaccine injured so many” (The Israeli people’s committee report of adverse events related to the corona vaccine)
- Utah man developed blood clots from the covid vaccine (video)
- 16-year-old girl dead following two doses of the experimental Pfizer covid injections
- Woman in her 40s develops blood clot disorder after covid vaccine (video)
- Australian man dies of a massive blood clot days after receiving covid-19 vaccine
- More blood clots (yet more people developing blood clots after being vaccinated, which the MSM are describing as rare.) – video
- 52-year-old woman died after the AstraZeneca vaccine (video)
- Courageous woman speaks out about her adverse reaction to the covid vaccine (video)
- Three covid vaccine victims tell their stories (video)
- Euro Data 7,766 dead and 330,218 injured in reaction to covid-19 jabs
- 1,047 dead and 725,079 reported injuries following covid-19 experimental vaccine reported in the UK
- Pentagon tracking 14 cases of heart inflammation in troops after covid-19 shots
- Six people with autoimmune conditions in Israel developed shingles after getting Pfizer shots
- Shocking adverse reactions from the covid vaccine (video)
- Paris prosecutors seek involuntary manslaughter charges over AstraZeneca deaths
- Paralysis cases reported after Pfizer injection
- Breast-fed baby passes away after mother had the Pfizer covid vaccine
- Two teenage girls suffer cardiac arrest and sadly die within days of having mRNA covid vaccine
- 27-year-old fit and healthy engineer dies three weeks after having AstraZeneca covid vaccine as NHS investigates his death
- Mississippi man suffers stroke 4 hours after receiving covid vaccine
- Pfizer vaccine may cause heart inflammation in people under 30, leaked study suggests
- 30-year-old man hospitalised with blood clots after covid vaccine
- Two-year-old girl dies after being given two covid shots (video)
- Vaccine left girl fighting for life (video)
- Pfizer vaccine injury – Angelia Deselle (video)
- 33-year-old woman paralyzed 12 hours after getting the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine (video)
- Adverse reaction from Johnson & Johnson vaccine (video)
- Canadian doctor shares his concern about covid vaccine after lifelong patients develop side effects (video)
- Man emotionally affected because his aunt was injured by the covid-19 vaccine (video)
- Bell’s Palsy from the first dose of the Moderna vaccine (video)
- Pfizer covid-19 vaccine injury – transverse myelitis (video)
- Frontline workers’ testimonies vaers reports (video)
- Death by vaccine – man drops dead after vaccine (short video)
- Covid jab injury from AstraZeneca vaccine (short video)
- Young, healthy man suffers stroke after getting the covid vaccine (short video)
- Family testimonials of covid vaccine deaths (short video)
- Woman suffers adverse reaction to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (short video)
- Severely injured 12-year-old girl after covid vaccine – Maddie’s story (short video)
- 21-year-old student dead 24 hours after covid injection
- 34-year-old mother of two dies 10 days after AstraZeneca jab
- Woman suffers terrible reaction after getting the covid vaccine
- 20-year-old dead 12 hours after the covid jab (video)
- 48-year-old woman dies after covid vaccine (video)
- Teen diagnosed with Guillain-Barré weeks after first covid vaccine
- Number of covid vaccine injuries reported to VAERS surpasses 50,000, CDC data show
- 22-year-old dead following experimental injection
- Young lady injured after vaccine (short video)
- 65-year-old woman dead 30 minutes after AstraZeneca shot
- Finally, mainstream news reports on vaccine fatality (video)
- We need to ask questions – dad died after vaccine
- The harsh reality of vaccine adverse effects – Nicola describes her husband’s condition
- No smoke without fire part 3: vaccine adverse reactions
- Georgian nurse dies of allergic reaction after receiving AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine, Tbilisi to continue rollout of British jab
- Jeanie M. Evans 68, of Effingham, Kansas died unexpectedly on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at the Stormont-Vail Hospital from a reaction to the covid vaccine
- The covid blog
- Woman dies from brain haemorrhage in Japan after having Pfizer jab
- 70+ miscarriages in US and UK after vaccines (video)
- Healthy Mother Died of Cardiac Arrest Just Hours after Taking First Dose of the Vaccine (short video)
- Teacher dies hours after getting AstraZeneca jab in Italy – Manslaughter Investigation Launched
- Boxing Champion Marvin Hagler Dead At Age 66
- Woman suffering from Bell’s Palsy after covid jab (short video)
- 39-year-old woman dies after 4 days after second Moderna vaccine, autopsy ordered
- 34 cases of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth reported after experimental mRNA vaccines
- 9 European nations suspend experimental AstraZeneca covid vaccines due to fatal blood clots
- Whistleblower reveals many pregnancy complications following experimental covid injections leaving a trail of devastated mothers
- Whistleblower: 25% of residents in German nursing home died after Pfizer vaccine
- 45-year-old man dies after getting second dose of covid-19 vaccine
- Number of injuries to CDC after covid vaccines climbs by nearly 4,000 in one week
- The second dose killed my dad and many others. Latest reports coming in (video)
- Man in Greece died 8 minutes after vaccination against covid-19
- A 60-year-old woman dies hours after taking second covid-19 vaccine
- 67-year-old dies days after second dose of covid vaccine
- CA woman gets covid vaccine then suddenly dies of something else
- 59-year-old health worker dies hours after covid vaccine
- One-third of all deaths reported to CDC after covid vaccines occurred within 48 hours of vaccination
- Volume 1: Social media posts about covid-19 vaccine deaths and severe injuries (video)
- 22 elderly with dementia dead in 1 week after the experimental mRNA covid injection in the Netherlands
- Covid vaccine side effect – tremors, my life is upside down – Angela Lynn Story (video)
- Covid-19 vaccine effects on my army husband’s heart (video)
- Nurse develops Bell’s Palsy after receiving covid jab (video)
- A 28-year-old mother from Winconsin is brain dead after the second dose of the covid injection
- 58-year-old woman dies hours after getting first dose of Pfizer vaccine
- 46 nursing home residents in Spain die within one month of getting covid vaccine
- Video of woman injured by covid vaccine
- 36-year-old doctor dies after second dose of covid vaccine
- German nursing home whistleblower says elderly are dying after covid vaccine
- ‘They’re dropping like flies’ – Courageous nursing home CNA speaks out.
- Short video showing that many people in Israel are dying after the covid jab
- Man drops dead in New York 25 minutes after receiving vaccine
- FDA and CDC officials are investigating 36 cases – including one death – of immune thrombocytopenia
- Gibraltar: January ends with 71 dead in one month (vaccination rollout began on the 10th January 2021)
- Miscarriages and stillbirth shortly after being given the covid vaccine
- 19-year-old hospitalised with heart inflammation after covid vaccine
- 39-year-old nurse aide dies within 48 hours of receiving the covid jab
- Seniors dying of covid vaccine labelled as natural causes
- Californian dies hours after receiving covid vaccine as investigation into the cause of death gets underway.
- Covid infects 35 vaccinated staff and residents at care home
- Vaccine injury video deleted from facebook (Warning: disturbing video)
- X-ray technician dies two days after getting the second dose of the covid vaccine
- 22 residents dead in three weeks in Basingstoke nursing home – ‘It is understood the outbreak started as residents began to have their coronavirus vaccines…’
- A 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two who worked in paediatrics died at a hospital in Porto just two days after being vaccinated against covid-19
- Norway is investigating the deaths of two nursing home residents who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
- Chinese health experts call to suspend the use of mRNA-based covid-19 vaccines following the deaths of 23 elderly people in Norway.
- In Florida, U.S., a doctor died after suffering a stroke after receiving a covid-19 vaccination.
- A 32-year-old medical doctor suffered seizures and was paralysed after receiving the covid-19 vaccine.
- A 46-year-old healthcare worker dies 24 hours after receiving the covid-19 vaccine but government says death is not related to the jab
- German specialists are looking into the deaths of 10 people who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
- Norway warns frail patients over 80 of vaccine risks after deaths
- Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination
- Doctors in California call for urgent halt of moderna vaccines after many fall sick
- Two people in India die after receiving the covid jab
- Coronavirus vaccine put on hold as volunteer suffers serious adverse reaction
- California pause some covid vaccinations after reactions
- Baseball legend dies of ‘undisclosed cause’ 18 days after receiving covid vaccine
- Woman injured by vaccine (Warning: disturbing video)
- Mother seriously injured by covid vaccine (Warning disturbing video).
Dit zijn slechts enkele van de mogelijke sterfgevallen en verwondingen die het gevolg zijn van vaccinatie.
Ik twijfel er niet aan dat de autoriteiten zullen beweren dat deze sterfgevallen toeval waren.
En laten we niet vergeten dat als een patiënt sterft binnen 28 dagen nadat hij positief is getest op het coronavirus (en de test betekent niet dat de patiënt de ziekte ook heeft, aangezien de meeste tests vals-positief zijn), het overlijden zal worden vermeld als een covid-19 sterfgeval en van de patiënt zal worden gezegd te zijn gestorven ‘met’ covid-19. Dus op dezelfde manier is het volkomen redelijk om te zeggen dat als een patiënt overlijdt of ziek wordt binnen 28 dagen na te zijn gevaccineerd, de dood of ziekte verband houdt met het covid-19-vaccin.
Zullen de mainstream media ooit beginnen met het registreren van deze sterfgevallen of ziektes? Of zullen journalisten de officiële regeringslijn blijven promoten – en de waarheid blijven ontkennen, verdraaien of onderdrukken?
Hoeveel mensen moeten er nog sterven voordat de media wakker worden?
Sterfgevallen kort na Covid prik – Nog een toeval
- A leading health officer has warned Aussies not to jump to conclusions following the deaths of two men after they received the covid jab
- A 46-year-old man died a day after taking the covid vaccine – “No relation with corona vaccine”
- A Northern California man died several hours after the covid vaccine – “My first inclination is that it’s probably not related to the vaccine”
- 236 Brits died after covid jabs – but vaccines “didn’t play a role”
- Woman dies from brain haemorrhage in Japan days after vaccine – “link uncertain”
- 63-year-old man dies 2 days after covid-19 vaccination – “it’s too early to tell whether the jab was related to his death”
- 56-year-old woman dies days after covid vaccine – “no link established so far”
- Virginia woman dies shortly after receiving coronavirus vaccine – “no link has been found”
- 88-year-old dies hours after covid vaccination in second such incident – “in both cases, medical professionals do not believe the deaths were connected to the vaccines”
Andere belangrijke Covid vaccin informatie
- Censored in the corporate media hundreds of medical professionals speak out on Medscape forum warning about dangers of covid injections (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- Member of Parliament in Finland warns government that they are guilty of genocide for misleading public on covid-19 injections (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- The New Irish Soviet: State Bans Seniors from Travelling Until They’ve Had ‘Second Dose’ of AstraZeneca Jab (article – 21stcenturywire.com)
- Fans who’ve had AstraZeneca vaccine won’t be allowed into Bruce Springsteen’s New York concerts (article – yahoo.com)
- Canadian doctor removed from hospital duty after speaking out about covid vaccine side effects (article – vaccineimpact.com)
- UK Column news 10th May (excellent video containing some very important vaccine information)
- The novel coronavirus spike protein plays additional key role in illness
- Halt covid vaccine, prominent scientist tells CDC
- What is going on in India? (video)
- Facebook deletes 120,000 member group where people posted stories of adverse covid vaccine reactions
- Covid-19 injected people becoming a threat to public health and safety
- Winconsin Catholic priest defies authorities and warns his flock on the dangers of the covid injections
- NHS whistleblower exposes vaccine policy (hugely important video, please share widely)
- Sudden adult death syndrome – or how to cover up vax deaths (short video)
- Johnson & Johnson vaccine halted (The Highwire with Del Bigtree – video)
- We put a code inside the vaccines (short video)
- Tanzanian president who was sceptical of western vaccines dead after missing for two weeks
- Norwegian Doctor AstraZeneca’s Covid Vaccine Triggers Blood Clots
- Before Covid, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA
- Bill Gates: Vaccines Are ‘Phenomenal’ Profit Makers
- Coronavirus vaccine deaths aren’t covered by life insurance because jabs are “experimental medical intervention”
- Pfizer demands nations put up collateral to cover vaccine injury lawsuits
- Investigation: MPs and SAGE heavily invested in vaccine industry
- What covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca contains
- Covid-19 vaccine trials to include participants as young as 6 months
- Experienced care home manager deeply concerned about the effects of covid-19 and vaccinations, on both staff and the elderly, within care facilities across the country (video)
- How those who die following covid jabs are treated in the media
- Belgian regulators advise against giving AstraZeneca to over 55s
- Germany says Oxford/AstraZeneca should not be given to over 65s
- Flu almost wiped out and at lowest level in 130 years
- Switzerland delays approval of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccines due to ‘insufficient data’
- Covid-19 vaccine side effects world map
- Pathogenic priming in older adults yet another concern with covid-19 vaccines
- Top coronavirus official warns that second dose of covid vaccine tends to cause even worse side effects than first dose
- CDC: Anaphylaxis rate with covid vax 10 times greater than for flu shots
- Warning: mixing coronavirus vaccines
- UK draws up plans to mix coronavirus vaccines
- Helsinki Committee to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment in Israel
- 12,400 people in Israel tested positive for coronavirus after being injected with the Pfizer vaccine
- Australian vaccine abandoned over false HIV positive results
Atleten en het Covid-vaccin
Was het de covid-prik die de dood en de verwondingen van de volgende sporters veroorzaakte? Het is natuurlijk zeldzaam dat jonge, superfitte atleten plotseling hartproblemen krijgen, vooral wanneer velen van hen tijdens hun carrière uitgebreide medische onderzoeken hebben ondergaan.
- Avi Barot, 29, Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, passes away:
- Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game:
- Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game:
- Jens De Smet, 27, footballer collapses on field, passes away of heart attack:
- Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack:
- Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game:
- Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heartattack:
- Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch:
- Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues:
- Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game:
- Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match:
- Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game:
- Antoine Méchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna:
- Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly passes away:
- Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues:
- Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine:
- Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots:
- 17-year-old footballer dies collapsing on pitch against Boston United (Dylan Rich)
- Footballer dies at 29 after suffering heart attack during match honouring late brother
Covid-19 Vaccin – Mogelijke bijwerkingen van het vaccin
De pro-vaxxers vertellen u graag dat vaccins volkomen veilig en volkomen effectief zijn. Zelfs wanneer ze niet veilig genoeg zouden worden geacht om als ovenreiniger te gebruiken, zijn de fanatiekelingen er enthousiast over. Jonge mensen en mensen die weinig weten over geneeskunde of wetenschap, praten met eerbied over vaccins omdat ze geïndoctrineerd zijn in het geloven van de pro-vaccin leugens.
En de pro-vaxxers liegen natuurlijk.
Vaccins veroorzaken veel ziekten en nogal wat sterfgevallen en ze doen niet altijd wat ze zouden moeten doen. Regeringen over de hele wereld hebben vele miljarden dollars uitgekeerd aan patiënten die ziek zijn geworden door vaccins – of aan de familieleden van patiënten die door een vaccin zijn overleden.
Er zijn bijvoorbeeld ernstige twijfels over wat het covid-19-vaccin nu eigenlijk doet. Aangezien het om een nieuw soort vaccin gaat dat wordt toegediend voordat de gebruikelijke tests en waarnemingen zijn afgerond, weet niemand wat er zal gebeuren met de mensen die het spul in een arm geïnjecteerd krijgen.
Welke bijwerkingen zullen er zijn? Hoeveel zullen er sterven?
Wel, ik weet het niet en niemand anders weet het.
Wat als een vrouw zwanger is als ze het vaccin krijgt of zwanger wordt nadat ze het vaccin heeft gekregen? Het is niet de bedoeling dat het vaccin aan zwangere vrouwen wordt gegeven, maar niet alle zwangerschappen zijn gepland.
Zal het vaccin interfereren met essentiële levensreddende medicijnen? Veel oudere patiënten gebruiken al een aantal voorgeschreven medicijnen. Zal het vaccin deze verstoren? Dat weet niemand. Het covid-19 vaccin is het grootste experiment in de geschiedenis. En, in tegenstelling tot een echte klinische proef, is het grotendeels ongereguleerd. Zoals met alle vaccins zullen de meeste problemen die zich ontwikkelen nooit worden gemeld of erkend.
Naar schatting wordt in de V.S. slechts 1 op de 100 bijwerkingen van vaccins gemeld.
Het beste wat we hebben is een werklijst van mogelijke bijwerkingen die de FDA in de VS heeft gepubliceerd. (Hier is de link naar de ontwerp-werklijst)
Omdat ik vind dat iedereen het recht heeft te weten welke bijwerkingen een zwaar gepromoot vaccin kan hebben, ga ik u de officiële lijst van mogelijke bijwerkingen voorlezen. Dit is, let wel, niet mijn lijst maar een concept-lijst die is opgesteld door de FDA – de Food and Drug Administration in de VS.
Guillain-Barre syndroom
Acute gedissemineerde encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Acuut myocardinfarct (hartaanval)
Zwangerschap, geboorte-uitval
Andere acute demyeliniserende ziekten
Niet anafylactische allergische reacties
Gedissemineerde intravasculaire stolling
Veneuze trombo-embolie
Ziekte van Kawasaki
Multisysteem ontstekingssyndroom bij kinderen
Vaccin versterkte ziekte
U zult niet noodzakelijkerwijs al deze of zelfs maar één van deze bijwerkingen krijgen als u het vaccin krijgt. Maar dit zijn de mogelijke bijwerkingen die de FDA heeft opgesomd. Ze zijn allemaal onaangenaam, de meeste zijn zeer ernstig en erger dan de dood kun je niet krijgen.
En als je gek genoeg bent om het vaccin te nemen, dan moeten jij en je dokter uitkijken naar de symptomen van alle ziekten die op de lijst van de FDA staan.
Uw regering zal u niets vertellen over deze gevaren – zij geloven niet in volledig geïnformeerde toestemming wat vaccins betreft.
Sterker nog, de meeste regeringen doen er nu alles aan om ervoor te zorgen dat alle kritiek op vaccins wordt uitgebannen. Afhankelijk van waar je woont is het, of zal het binnenkort, illegaal zijn om zelfs maar te vermelden dat vaccins misschien niet altijd werken of je ziek kunnen maken.
Tenslotte, als uw regering echt om u zou geven, zou zij een heel eenvoudige, goedkope proef doen.
Ze zouden een lijst bijhouden van alle gezondheidsproblemen bij 20.000 patiënten die het vaccin hebben gehad en die lijst vergelijken met een lijst van alle gezondheidsproblemen bij 20.000 patiënten die het vaccin niet hebben gehad in dezelfde periode. Ze maken de vergelijkingen elke 3, 6 en 12 maanden.
Natuurlijk moeten ze een paar eerlijke artsen vinden om toezicht te houden op de proef, want het zou heel gemakkelijk zijn om te knoeien.
Maar het zou zeer interessante resultaten opleveren, dus ik betwijfel of ze het zullen doen.
Deel dit artikel alstublieft met iedereen die u kent.
Ik wil iedere Nederlander die zich heeft laten vaccineren en die zich door de propaganda van het geloof in cijfers en volle IC’s heeft laten overtuigen tot het nemen van de prik; iedere Nederlander die ziek is geweest, maar niet door heeft dat ze via ‘sick on demand‘ ziek gemaakt zijn om in de besmettingsleugen te geloven; iedere Nederlander die het geen probleem vindt even die QR-code te laten zien en iedere Nederlander die vindt dat die lastige ongevaccineerden nu maar eens gedwongen moeten worden; al die Nederlanders wil ik melden: u bent de volgende die aan de beurt is.
En met ‘aan de beurt zijn’ bedoel ik niet het boostervaccin en ook niet het vierde, vijfde, zesde of het straks aanstaande plaatsvervangende online updatebare vaccin. Nee, ik bedoel dat we zo tegen elkaar uitgespeeld worden als bevolkingsgroepen in landen die men via Balkanisering op de knieën heeft willen dwingen (Joegoslavië, Irak, Afghanistan, Syrië, Libië, enzovoort). Altijd leidt dit tot een kapot gemaakte economie die alleen kan herstellen aan de slavenketting van een grootmacht. En die slavenketting begint in het hier en nu, bij de QR-code, maar mondt straks uit in digitaal traceerbaar geld, een social credit puntensysteem dat uw gedrag koppelt aan bestedings- en reismogelijkheden en uiteindelijk aan de totale afschaffing van bezit en inperking van vrijheden van ‘ongehoorzamen’. Bron Matinvrijland.nl
Moet zeggen dat veel mensen om mij heen beroerd zijn na de prik, tot enorme branderige armen aan toe. Zie alleen zelden mensen met hartfalen, als ik zie hoeveel er uiteindelijk geprikt zijn. Ergens lijkt het dus mee te vallen, maar aan de andere kant denk ik ook: Als mensen er zo snel even ziek van raken, dan is het op het lange termijn misschien wel helemaal een ravage.
Dat ze de eerste weken of maanden overleven zegt nog niks over de langere termijn. Als je hoort dat mensen dmv dat grafeen van binnen open gesneden worden omdat dat grafeen zo ontieglijk scherp is (zie het als scheermesjes op nanoniveau) en mensen daar bloedingen en infecties van krijgen, dat minuscule bloedklontertjes zich (langzaam) ophopen in aderen etc etc, dan kun je erop wachten dat mensen binnen een paar maanden massaal gaan overlijden. Buiten dit is de inhoud van die spuiten natuurlijk puur en puur gif, met elke extra spuit komt er een nieuwe gifshot het lichaam in. Er komt een punt dat het lichaam gewoon zegt: ho stop, klaar, bekijk het maar, tot hier en niet verder. RIP. Ik voorzie echt een hele donkere winter.
Het is nu even mooi op een rijtje gezet. En ja, de term “vermoord” is zeker met de kennis van nu wel terecht.
En hoewel de slachtoffers er niet meer mee tot leven komen en zij die nog wel leven, maar niet willen accepteren dat ze naar alle waarschijnlijkheid binnen enkele jaren ten dode opgeschreven zijn, niet mer “ontprikt” kunnen worden, kan ik alleen maar hopem, en hoewel ik niet religieus ben (integendeel, hoewel ik ook geen atheïst ben) merk ik dat het bijna een soort gebed wordt.
Ik hoop maar dat de eerste zaken van het tribunaal dat Füllmich van de week aankondigde snel kunnen beginnen.
Amazing article! Thank you.