“Kunnen we deze man niet gewoon met een drone aanvallen?” vroeg de voormalige minister van Buitenlandse Zaken naar verluidt tijdens een vergadering in november 2010 met ambtenaren van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, schrijft Adan Salazar.
De tweevoudig mislukte Democratische presidentskandidaat Hillary Clinton stelde ooit voor om een militaire droneaanval te gebruiken om Wikileaks-oprichter Julian Assange buitengerechtelijk te vermoorden.
Hillary Clinton on Assange “Can’t we just drone this guy” — report https://t.co/S7tPrl2QCZ pic.twitter.com/qy2EQBa48y
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 3, 2016
Tijdens een bijeenkomst op 23 november 2010 met functionarissen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken om een reactie te formuleren op de op handen zijnde “CableGate” documentendump van Wikileaks, vroeg Clinton – die toen diende als minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van president Barack Obama – naar verluidt: “Kunnen we deze man niet gewoon dronen?”
Het nieuws over Clintons “drone strike” opmerking, al dan niet voor de grap gemaakt, kwam in oktober 2016, slechts enkele weken voordat ze het in de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 zou opnemen tegen Donald Trump.
To Silence Wikileaks, #HillaryClinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange — report https://t.co/S7tPrl2QCZ
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 3, 2016
De opmerking teisterde de laatste dagen van Clintons gedoemde tweede presidentiële kandidatuur, waarbij verslaggevers op het campagnetraject vroegen of ze “ooit grapte over het dronen van Assange?”
Clinton antwoordde dat ze zich de opmerking niet kon herinneren.
Natuurlijk bleek Assange’s media-organisatie later het geschenk dat blijft geven na het vrijgeven van belastende e-mails over de Clinton-campagne kort voor de verkiezingen van 2016.
Eén Wikileaks e-mail toonde aan dat Clinton campagnevoorzitter John Podesta werd uitgenodigd voor een “spirit cooking dinner” door performance kunstenaar Marina Abramovic, om deel te nemen aan een occult ritueel.
“Beste Tony, ik kijk zo uit naar het Spirit Cooking diner bij mij thuis. Denk je dat je me kunt laten weten of je broer ook komt? Al mijn liefde, Marina,” stond er in een e-mail aan Podesta’s broer, Tony.
The Podestas’ “Spirit Cooking” dinner?
It’s not what you think.
It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk.
But mostly blood.https://t.co/gGPWFS3B2H pic.twitter.com/I43KiiraDh— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 4, 2016
Zal Wikileaks tijdens deze verkiezingscyclus, nu de regering Biden helpt Assange uit de gevangenis te bevrijden, toeslaan of zich inhouden tegen de Democraten?
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De mysterieuze sterfgevallen rond Bill & Hillary Clinton – De volledige Clinton Dead Pool
Happy Hunting : https://rumble.com/embed/v4zwj8l/?pub=4
A total of 57 people from Hillary and Bill Clinton’s inner circle have died under strange circumstances over the past 30 years.
15 of them committed suicide, including billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. 8 died in car and plane crashes, 14 were killed under mysterious circumstances.
All the victims from the “Clinton List” had information that could potentially destroy the careers of this married couple.
Can’t we just drone this Reptilian?
Kom better de droom aanval richten op het eiland waar zijn man clow Clinton zat te vreten aandere vrouwen en misbruiken.
U doelt op dit eiland : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47AT6-kEomE 😉 Learn to Code “Program”
The Wickedest W/Bitch in the fascist West needs the same treatment as promised to her adversary!
de hilarische clitores blijft om aandacht schreeuwen.
Bill Clinton rape childern.
Hilarious Clitores try to fuck the whole world!
Normal Practices from US government. Define a person a terrorist and save lawsuit costs:
The following list details the last 50 individuals who have been targeted and killed by the US government through drone strikes and other targeted operations. These individuals were often designated as high-level threats due to their involvement in terrorism or militant activities, and many were targeted without the benefit of a trial:
1. **Anwar al-Awlaki** – 2011 – Suspected Al-Qaeda propagandist
2. **Samir Khan** – 2011 – Editor of Al-Qaeda magazine Inspire
3. **Abdulrahman al-Awlaki** – 2011 – Collateral damage in drone strike
4. **Ahmed Hijazi** – 2011 – Alleged terrorist in Yemen
5. **Jude Kenyan** – 2012 – Suspected terrorist leader in Somalia
6. **Hassan Tukaram** – 2013 – Alleged senior terrorist operative in Pakistan
7. **Faizan Bakr** – 2014 – Accused of planning attacks on US interests
8. **Mahmud Rahman** – 2015 – Suspected terrorist in Syria
9. **Yasir Mansur** – 2015 – Alleged coordinator of terror attacks in Iraq
10. **Salim Abdul** – 2016 – Accused of leading terror cell in Afghanistan
11. **Ali Karim** – 2016 – Suspected financier of terrorist activities
12. **Omar Naji** – 2017 – Alleged terrorist recruiter in Libya
13. **Nidal Hassan** – 2017 – Suspected operational leader in Yemen
14. **Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi** – 2019 – ISIS leader
15. **Qasim al-Rimi** – 2020 – Leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
16. **Mohsen al-Buraimi** – 2020 – Senior AQAP figure
17. **Abdul-Rauf al-Dhahab** – 2020 – AQAP commander
18. **Jamal al-Badawi** – 2019 – Planner of the USS Cole bombing
19. **Hassan Ghul** – 2012 – Al-Qaeda operative in Pakistan
20. **Nasir al-Wuhayshi** – 2015 – AQAP leader
21. **Wahid al-Shabwani** – 2016 – AQAP senior commander
22. **Abu Khayr al-Masri** – 2017 – Al-Qaeda deputy leader
23. **Muhammad Emwazi (Jihadi John)** – 2015 – ISIS executioner
24. **Ibrahim al-Asiri** – 2017 – AQAP bomb-maker
25. **Ahmad al-Hajar** – 2019 – AQAP militant
26. **Abu Hamza al-Jazairi** – 2020 – ISIS trainer
27. **Qari Yasin** – 2017 – Al-Qaeda commander in Pakistan
28. **Farouq al-Qahtani** – 2016 – Senior Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan
29. **Bilal al-Hayali** – 2016 – Senior ISIS leader
30. **Jalal Balbale** – 2019 – AQAP planner
31. **Tariq bin Tahar al-Awni al-Harzi** – 2015 – ISIS logistics head
32. **Rashid al-Hafidh** – 2019 – AQAP militant
33. **Abdullah al-Faisal** – 2020 – AQAP recruiter
34. **Hassan Hussein** – 2018 – AQAP deputy commander
35. **Mohammed Atef** – 2001 – Al-Qaeda military chief
36. **Abu Musab al-Zarqawi** – 2006 – Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader
37. **Baitullah Mehsud** – 2009 – Pakistani Taliban leader
38. **Hakimullah Mehsud** – 2013 – Pakistani Taliban leader
39. **Abu Yahya al-Libi** – 2012 – Al-Qaeda senior leader
40. **Ahmed Godane** – 2014 – Al-Shabaab leader
41. **Adnan Shukrijumah** – 2014 – Al-Qaeda external operations chief
42. **Jihadi John (Mohammed Emwazi)** – 2015 – ISIS executioner
43. **Abu Muhammad al-Adnani** – 2016 – ISIS spokesman
44. **Abu Jandal al-Kuwaiti** – 2016 – ISIS leader
45. **Abu Bakr al-Husayni al-Qurashi** – 2019 – Senior ISIS leader
46. **Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim** – 2015 – ISIS leader in Afghanistan
47. **Abu Omar al-Shishani** – 2016 – ISIS military commander
48. **Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli** – 2016 – ISIS deputy leader
49. **Ibrahim al-Asiri** – 2017 – Al-Qaeda bomb maker
50. **Abu al-Khayr al-Masri** – 2017 – Al-Qaeda deputy leader
These individuals were mostly killed in countries like Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Libya through drone strikes and special operations. The use of drone strikes has been controversial, with criticisms focusing on the legal and ethical implications, especially concerning civilian casualties and the bypassing of judicial processes.
The United States government has engaged in targeted killings, often via drone strikes, as part of its counterterrorism efforts. These operations have not only included individuals in conflict zones but also Western European nationals suspected of terrorism. However, specific details about individuals from Western Europe targeted by the US are not readily available due to the secretive nature of these operations.
The targeted killing program has been widely criticized for its lack of transparency and due process. For example, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has raised concerns about the legal and ethical implications of these extrajudicial killings, emphasizing the secrecy and lack of accountability surrounding the “kill list” maintained by the CIA and the Pentagon. The criteria for adding individuals to this list and the evidence required remain undisclosed, leading to significant controversy and legal challenges [oai_citation:1,Targeted Killing | American Civil Liberties Union](https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-security/targeted-killing) [oai_citation:2,Frequently Asked Questions About Targeting Killing | American Civil Liberties Union](https://www.aclu.org/documents/frequently-asked-questions-about-targeting-killing).
The program operates with minimal oversight outside the executive branch, and the exact number of Western European nationals targeted is unknown. This secrecy has led to numerous legal and human rights debates, highlighting the need for greater transparency and adherence to international law [oai_citation:3,Targeted Killing | American Civil Liberties Union](https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-security/targeted-killing) [oai_citation:4,Frequently Asked Questions About Targeting Killing | American Civil Liberties Union](https://www.aclu.org/documents/frequently-asked-questions-about-targeting-killing).
For a more comprehensive understanding and recent updates on this issue, you can refer to sources like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which actively monitors and reports on these practices.
According to an AI computer….🫣
Waarom toch altijd die reacties in het Engels? Ik kan goed Engels, maar we leven in Nederland, dus reacties graag in het Nederlands!
Dus geen ellenlange citaten in het Engels, maar eerst naar het Nederlands vertalen voor je je reactie opstuurt!
Ma come ti permetti? Questo sito, anche se è olandese, è tradotto automaticamente in varie lingue a seconda della nazione in cui uno risiede e perciò uno risponde nella lingua che più preferisce! È chiaro il concetto? E te lo dice un cittadino svizzero-olandese!
Hoe durf je? Deze site, ook al is hij Nederlands, wordt automatisch vertaald in verschillende talen, afhankelijk van het land waarin men woont en dus antwoordt men in de taal die men verkiest! Is het concept duidelijk? En dit komt van een Nederlands-Zwitserse burger!
Hillary Clinton, insieme a Bill Gates Klaus Schwab, tutti i vari membri del Governo Ombra Mondiale (quindi non solo i vari Rotschild, Rockefeller e Soros, ma anche altri nomi che rimangono nascosti e sopratutto colui che vi è a capo di questa organizzazione criminale e occulta, ovvero un cittadino americano residente in Svizzera a Zurigo che alcuni definiscono l’anticristo in persona, la reincarnazione di Giuda Iscariota, Adolf Hitler e altri psicopatici personaggi storici), e i loro burattini come Boris Johnson, George W. Bush, Mario Draghi, Giorgia Meloni, Emanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, Martin Schulz, Olaf Scholz, Mark Rutte, Roberto Speranza, Jens Stoltenberg, Joe Biden e tanti altri criminali dovrebbero venire processati e condannati a morte per crimini contro l’umanità!
Hillary Clinton, samen met Bill Gates Klaus Schwab, alle verschillende leden van de World Shadow Government (dus niet alleen de verschillende Rotschild, Rockefeller en Soros, maar ook andere namen die verborgen blijven en vooral degene die aan het hoofd staat van deze criminele en occulte organisatie, namelijk een Amerikaanse burger die in Zürich, Zwitserland woont, die door sommigen de Antichrist zelf wordt genoemd, de reïncarnatie van Judas Iskariot, Adolf Hitler en andere psychopathische historische figuren), en hun marionetten zoals Boris Johnson, George W. Bush, Mario Draghi, Giorgia Meloni, Emanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, Martin Schulz, Olaf Scholz, Mark Rutte, Roberto Speranza, Jens Stoltenberg, Joe Biden en vele andere criminelen zouden berecht en ter dood veroordeeld moeten worden voor misdaden tegen de menselijkheid!